by Benjamin Allen | Jan 25, 2014 | reflections on grief, reflections on grief recovery
After the thirteen year period of going through the lives and deaths of my family I was completely undone. It was then that I could let go absolutely in the Afterloss. A friend came over one day and said, “A couple of us were talking and we’re really worried about...
by Benjamin Allen | Jan 24, 2014 | reflections on grief, reflections on grief recovery
What happens when we die? What is on the other side? Is there another side? These are questions that sooner or later we all must face and we all must answer. In my younger years, part of my professional life as a spiritual caregiver, was to walk with people to the...
by Benjamin Allen | Jan 22, 2014 | reflections on grief, reflections on grief recovery
Rachel, my wife, finally did the unthinkable. She got me on Facebook. For years she’s been saying, “You need to get on Facebook.” My response has always been, “I don’t like to be social in person. Why would I want to do it on a computer?” My anti-social behavior isn’t...
by Benjamin Allen | Jan 22, 2014 | reflections on grief, reflections on grief recovery
I never was a big fan of the 5 Stages of Grief. Boxes tend to break. A better expression for me is the Multi-layers of Loss. Loss has never been a linear experience for me. In the world of the Afterloss point A oftentimes doesn’t go to point B. The last stage in the 5...
by Benjamin Allen | Jan 22, 2014 | reflections on grief, reflections on grief recovery
When Matt was 2 years old he would climb into the car on the driver’s side and grab the rear view mirror to balance himself. It would irritate me to no end to have to clean off the smudge prints of his fingers that were usually caked with something. I’d encourage him...